Beth yw'r tueddiadau datblygu yn y diwydiant pecynnu bwyd?

Gelwir “pecynnu gwyrdd” hefyd yn 'becynnu cynaliadwy', yn fyr, 'ailgylchadwy, hawdd ei ddiraddio, ysgafn'. At present, more and more countries and regions in the world in different ways to limit or ban the use of plastic products, in addition to “paper instead of plastic”, to reduce “white pollution” in addition to the use of new packaging materials (fel biomaterials) hefyd wedi dod yn y diwydiant i archwilio'r cyfeiriad. cyfeiriad.

Mae'r bioddeunyddiau fel y'u gelwir yn cyfeirio at ddefnyddio biotechnoleg, sylweddau gwyrdd neu naturiol wedi'u prosesu'n ddeunyddiau cymhwyso pecynnu. In some European countries, has begun to use grease film, protein, etc. as food packaging materials, such as a brewery in Denmark to develop a wood fiber bottle, which uses more environmentally friendly packaging materials to achieve green degradation. It can be seen that the biological packaging materials have a very broad prospect, the future will be applied to various fields.

Yn ôl fy nealltwriaeth i, mae prif dechnoleg cadw cynhyrchion ffres cwmni yn ceisio cadw nanotechnoleg pecynnu. According to the relevant personnel, the use of nanotechnology green inorganic packaging box, non-toxic, tasteless, not only can inhibit the box of food (such as fruits and vegetables) breathing, but also adsorption of fruits and vegetables breathing out of the gas , er mwyn rheoleiddio'r tymheredd mewnol, ac ymestyn oes silff ffrwythau a llysiau yn effeithiol. Yn ogystal, mae'r broses gludo gyfan, heb unrhyw oergell, hefyd yn chwarae rhan wrth arbed ynni.

Diogel a Dibynadwy


As we know, food can not be separated from the packaging, and most of the packaging materials are directly or indirectly in contact with the product, food packaging in the harmful substance residue is too high, in the food migration and lead to food safety incidents wedi digwydd dro ar ôl tro.

In addition, the basic function of packaging is to protect the safety of food, however, some food packaging not only does not play a role in protecting food, but also due to the packaging itself is not qualified and contaminated food. Felly, mae nad yw'n wenwyndra a diniwed deunyddiau pecynnu bwyd yn chwarae rhan hanfodol wrth sicrhau diogelwch bwyd.


A few days ago, an important new national standard for food contact materials has been fully implemented, which clearly requires that food contact materials and products on the final product, should indicate “food contact with” “food packaging with” or similar terms, or Argraffu a labelu logo chopsticks llwy, i raddau, i amddiffyn deunyddiau pecynnu bwyd. I raddau i amddiffyn diogelwch deunyddiau pecynnu bwyd.

Amser postio: Hydref-05-2024